Effects of years, locations and sowing date on the spring wheat yield performance
adaptability and stability statistics of the genotypes were calculated for the different sowing dates. The effects of years (24.3%) and locations (12.5%) had greater contributions to the genotype-by-environment interaction (GEI), and the effect of the sowing dates contributed less (7.0%) to the GEI. To identify superior wheat genotypes with regard to grain yield with 80% precision, a total of 21 trials distributed across different years, locations and sowing dates must be used. The trials for the evaluation of wheat genotypes must include a greater number of years and lower numbers of sowing dates and locations. The CD 105, CD 114 and CD 150 cultivars at Cascavel and the CD 150, Onix and CD 119 cultivars at Palotina were shown to be stable and broadly adapted across different sowing dates, with high grain yield.
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