Mancha de la hoja de Limonium sinuatum en la Argentina
Texto completo:
Chupp C (1953) A monograph of the Fungus Genus Cercospora. Ithaca,NewYork 667 p
Cox RS (1970a)Diseases of staticein SouthFlorida.Plant Dis Rep 54, 759
Cox RS (1970b)Control of Cercospora leafspotof statice in South Florida. Plant Dis Rep 54,760-762
Engelhard AW (1975) Etiology, symptomatologya. nd economicimportanceof thediseases ofannualstatice [Limoniumspp) Plant Dis Rep 59: 551-555
Jackson CR (1961) Cercospora leafspot of statice Phytopathology 51: 129-130
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