Agricultural waste management of winter cover crops on weeds and soybean
In order to meet the great need to increase agricultural yield associated to healthy products searching, which do not cause problems to the environment, this trial aims at investigating the influence of mass amount concerning black oats, oilseed radish and hairy vetch on emergence and initial development of B. pilosa, S. rhombifolia and G. max. It was carried out in the a greenhouse, with 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 g of the studied weights. Weed and soybean seeds were sown and evaluated for 10 days to record their emergence. For the initial development of plants, five seedlings were transplanted, whose evaluation occurred after 30 days. In general, the increase of weight amount also increased on the inhibition percentage of the studied weeds, but did not influence on soybean negatively. The ESI and ES were negatively affected by increasing the weight amount, except for soybean ES. The weeds mass was negatively influenced by cover crops, but without causing problems to soybeans. Thus, the greater amount of mass regarding the studied winter cover crops was, the lower was the infestation of these weeds without significant problems to soybeans. At last, the species should be recommended as cover crops in no-tillage system.
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