In vitro establishment and multiplication of Japanese plum cv. América
The in vitro plant tissue culture allows rapid propagation of interest species with high genetic, sanitary and physiological quality, which may contribute to increase the efficiency of plant production system. Therefore, the aim was to develop a protocol for in vitro establishment and multiplication of Japanese plum cv. América. The survival of basal buds was 83.33% in the establishment and it was possible to obtain maximum increase of 68.08% of shoot number. During the multiplication, the shoots length and the number of buds per shoots had maximum values of 1.34 cm and 14.16, whit 0.68 and 0.61 mg L-1 BA, respectively. In an elongation test, it was verified that using 0-10 mg L-1 GA3 on medium with activated charcoal, there was linear increasing in shoot length from 1.14 to 3.50 cm. It was concluded that for cv.
América, more basal than apical buds survive during the establishment. Concentrations between 0.25 through 0.50 mg L-1 BA are more suitable for in vitro multiplication and the MS medium with 1.0 mg L-1 GA3 and 2.0 g L-1 activated charcoal promotes better shoots elongations.
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